Renal cystic disease: What's new?
KUB ultrasound is the bread and butter scan of the paediatric ultrasound department. Accurate and consistent measurements of hydronephrosis are important for treatment and interval surveillance of these patients. At present there is a mismatch between the measurements considered normal in the antenatal scan, and those taken post birth.
A new consensus statement, The Multidisciplinary Urinary Tract Dilation Classification System (MUTDCS) has been created by representatives from eight societies related to the diagnosis and management of fetuses and children with urinary tract dilation.
The MUTDCS updates and standardises the approach to the description, grading and monitoring of renal dilatation improving communication between all healthcare providers involved in treatment and management of this condition. The concensus also endeavours to streamline antenatal and postnatal findings providing uniformity and continuity of care with improved outcomes for patients.