Ultrasound findings after modern venous interventions
Duplex ultrasound is ideally suited as a non - invasive method to evaluate the outcome of treatments for chronic venous disease as it provides both anatomical and haemodynamic information about the treated veins.
In this session I will present information about some of the recent or modern venous interventions including Thermal ( Endovenous Laser and Radiofrequency Ablation) and Chemical (Sclerotherapy) treatments along with the even newer non ñtumescent, non-thermal treatments( NTNT)including Glue, Steam and Clarivein.
An understanding of how these treatments work and what they hope to achieve will assist the sonographer in ultrasound scanning post treatment. Normal and abnormal ultrasound findings in the post intervention venous scan in the immediate and later time frames will be highlighted.
AAA Screening
The value of Aortic Anuerysm Screening with abdominal ultrasound is well established. There are however important questions that remain for screening programmes to remain cost effective, accessible, affordable and equitable. Developing strategies to make this possible will be presented and the im...
Let's get education on EVAR surveillance
This presentation aims to provide an overview of abdominal aortic aneurysms, Endovascular Aortic Repair (EVAR) numbers and configurations, devices, endoleak and ultrasound assessment including cases.
Small infrarenal Aortic size - what d...
While a relationship between large infrarenal aortic diameter and both cardiovascular disease (CVD) prevalence and all-cause mortality has been previously suggested, there is also evidence that small aortic size may also be associated with increased CVD risk. We examined a total of 4882 elderly (...