Portfolios and practices for lifelong learning in ultrasound education
The focus of most ultrasound programs is to produce clinically competent sonographers who attain the requisite psychomotor skills, recognition of sonographic anatomy and pathology, and clinical reasoning for accurate diagnosis. University education directed towards these ends however, can leave the ëlearning to learní skills, and longer-term learning, under-appreciated. Education should provide students with opportunities to ësustain effective learning now and in the futureí. One strategy used extensively in health and medical education to equip students with lifelong learning skills is Portfolio assessment. Portfolios have long been suggested as a logical bridge between university study and continuing professional education
The purpose of orientation and modell...
Orientation and role modelling are two specific teaching strategies, that when implemented effectively, can have a profound positive impact on learning. Orientating the student to the healthcare facility, the healthcare team and the creation of shared expectations, establishes a positive and supp...
Improving training and accreditation ...
Sonographers professional identity & ...
Understanding the processes that contribute to a sonographers professional identity and role in communication in obstetric ultrasound